Beacon is to be used for non-commercial purposes only unless written permission given by Aline; to seek permission please contact us by emailing [email protected]
We use cookieless tracking to be able to track submissions and any errors that may come up. This data cannot be used to personally identify any visitor and is separated from the request form submissions where that data is used for only internal purposes and never shared.
This application is built using Laravel and uses CloudFlare as a CDN; as part of these services 3 essential cookies are set.
These are:
There is also a cookie set only when a form is submitted, this is:
Data collected from Google PageSpeed and The Green Web Foundation.
Rating is based on our internal rating system and may be changed in the future.
The CO2 score assumes that the visitor is a brand new visitor so no cache is enabled.
The CO2 score is lowered by 10% if hosted with a provider using renewable energy (or offseting it) as that is roughly the amount of energy used transmitting the data from the server to the network.
While Beacon checks your hosting provider; it cannot determine the difference between hosts using renewable energy or offseting their carbon footprint – this is down to the data source we are using (The Green Web Foundation) and will be monitored in case this data does become available.
All data saved is completely anonymous and private; it's only use is internally to monitor usage and help improve this product. We reserve the right to get in touch with site owners to offer additional services to help reduce the emissions caused by their website.
Design by Redwan El-Harrak.
Development by Chris Butterworth.
Inspired by Website Carbon, created by Wholegrain Digital and Ecograder by the team at Mightybytes